Monday, 19 October 2009

///A very good song by the Tisdizzle...///

Below is a little song I'm very much loving at the moment, Ashley Tisdale's 'Hot Mess' taken from her current album 'Guilty Pleasure' which I inadvertently stumbled across thinking it was her new single (Which is actually 'Crank It Up' FYI)

The track is about the current trend of car crash celebrity and 2007 style Britney tabloid shenanigans (PLEASE never let me use that word again!) and Ashley scrutinizes how *insert female celebrity here* is 'parked in the driveway, parked sideways','waking up in her bra and her makeup' and generally acting a little bit like a Hot Mess funnily enough. MAKE IT A SINGLE MR RECORD COMPANY MAN!

Listen to the track! And check the sidebar on the proper YouTube link if you REALLY love it ;)

ATis's album 'Guilty Pleasure' is out now folks!

A x

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