Thursday, 8 October 2009

If I Were a (Game)Boy

Whoda' thunk that Beyonce would be an avid gamer? That’s what she has reportedly told Spicezee recently!

Beyowulf – who starred in a series of adverts for the Nintendo DS and it’s Rhythm Paradise game earlier this year- revealed that she is a big fan of Guitar Hero and Wii Fit and that she would love to see a game released that incorporates her signature dance moves and choreography into a fun fitness experience for her fans!

‘I'd like to get involved in video games, since I really love Wii Fit. I think it would be a great idea to incorporate choreography because, for me, my workout is way more fun when it involves dancing, as opposed to running on a boring treadmill,’

Wii Crumping anyone?

But we all know if this did happen, the inevitable youtube videos would follow…


Would YOU buy this?!

A x

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