Thursday, 4 February 2010

This Was A Bit Good...

The Grammy's last week were undeniably owned by Beyoyo Knowles and Taylor 'T Swizzle' Swift, but even thought Lady GaGa didn't clean up the competition in all of her five nominated categories (although claiming two in a series of awards in the pre-show) she definately made sure that she made a lasting impression on the Grammy going audience.

Yes, monacles undoubtedly dropped into numerous glasses of champagne as Lady G took to the stage to open the show in a turqouise one-piece which left little (and eventually almost nothing) to the audiences imagination, performing a combination of 'Poker Face' and 'Speechless' which slotted nicely into a piano-led version of 'Your Song' which featured none other than Elton John, who performed the duet on a double sided piano. All of this was done in classic GaGa style of course, an impressive industrial backdrop in the form of 'The Fame Factory' allowed Miss GaGa to slip in one of her usual fame led narratives, this time being sucked in by the fame machine and to be spit out covered in soot and ash for the slower piano section.

All in all, very good. Aside from THAT narrator, we could've all done without that couldn't we?

A x

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