Saturday, 25 September 2010

The Week In Deals

DING DING DING, NEXT STOP BARGAIN CENTRAL! Here is the first installment of your weekly musical bargains, all of the above sourced from!

The latest offerings from Gorillaz and the sadly flopping Robyn both come in at under a fiver and whilst I can't speak for 'Plastic Beach', 'Body TalK Pt. 1' is most DEFINATELY an album to pick up, especially at this cut-down price! Check out 'Dancing On My Own' and 'Hang With Me' for a taster of what the Swedish popstrel has to offer.

Next up, Meloy Gardot's 'Worrisome Heart', which also comes in at a super reasonable £3.99 You might have to take my word for it, but her voice is like having honey poured in your ears (or what I imagine that would feel like, perhaps I'll give it a go later on and report back) and she should by no means be labelled a Winehouse clone like how so many of the 60's renaissance acts we've seen in recent years have been (Apolz Duffy, I still love 'Mercy').

Lastly, two albums which have been gradually going down and down and down in price but which are finally at a 'CAN'T MISS' stage for pop lovers. P!nk's 2008 'Funhouse' disc has been knocking around for a while now, but if you haven't already picked it up, you really have to. The well-known singles are nestled nicely inbetween some stunning album tracks and P!nk's rockstar attitude throughout makes me for a totally enjoyable experience.

'Ocean Eyes' by Owl City may be more of a 'love it or hate it' affair. I've seen the album labelled as very 'samey' and linear, however I'd argue that sole vocalist Adam Young's wistful lyrics combined with the upbeat electro-pop lite production combine to create an album that can perhaps only be described as very 'cute'. It's warm, it's fluffy, but it's by no means ashamed of it. Perhaps give it one a listen before you pick it up if you're not sure, especially check out 'The Saltwater Room', 'Umbrella Beach' and of course 'Fireflies'.

That's all for now, but check back for some more bargains verrrrry soon! : )

A x

Friday, 24 September 2010

Popislife Recommended Remix: Lady GaGa - 'ALEJANDRO' (Sound Of Arrows Remix)


GaGa fanatics will most likely be already well-aquainted with the fantastic 'Sound Of Arrows' reswizzle of the Lady's most recent smash, but for those who missed out on it's inclusion on Lady GaGa's remix compilation (the inventively titled 'The Remix') which was released earlier this year, I recommend you check out the Swedish electro group's take on the song. The usually sombre 'Alejandro' is instantly transformed into an uplifting slice of electro-pop, perfect for whacking a smile on your face.
A x

Monday, 20 September 2010

Popislife: Recommended Remixes

The concept of the 'remix is a funny thing. Essentially it defines stripiing away already established bits of a song and replacing them with others to transform the song into something totally different. I can admit to being pretty fickle when it come to remixes, sometimes I think when I hear them 'JUST PLAY THE NORMAL SONG YOU TWAT' and others I get totally obsessed with, but let's be honest here, how many remixes can we all actually think of that best the original incarnation?

Nevertheless, I'm currently experiencing something of a remix renaissance, perhaps due to the current drout of new music from popislife faves BritBrit and Lady G and am investigating the clutch of officially comissioned singles remixes and the fanmade remixes wanged onto the interweb, both of which have brought some amazing results which I will start to post about as soon as possible! There is hope for me yet remix aficionados so prepare for my all new section of updates, 'Popislife Recommended Remixes' to appear soon :)


A x


Once again I've been absent for far too long! Months! I had a lot of work to do recently and have just moved into my Uni halls SO I thought what better a time to make a few a posts and keep the blog alive? More posts shortly on what to expect ;)

A x